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Logical Decision

I have been making some hard decisions recently and I thought I should share them here.

Background Points

  • Unknown cause of the pain
  • No solution available to prevent the pain
  • No ability to reduce or control the pain

Reasonable Solution

Given the above points and the increasing level of pain, the only reasonable solution is for me to stop the pain myself.

I'm giving physiotherapy another two months because that is the last bit of hope I have left.  After six months with no reduction in pain, and actually an increase in pain I may be a little bit optimistic but I need to give it a try.  I have faith in my physio.

I have also been referred to a pain clinic to help with the pain.  I need to give that a shot before I take any final actions.

With the increasing level of pain, I can only take so much more before I break. I've been close to breaking before but this may be it.

I will be writing about my attempts to be pain free. Until I am.


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